Galatians 1:18-24
Jesus had given Paul a special assignment to share the gospel with the Gentiles. In this first chapter in the book of Galatians, Paul defends this assignment. He makes the case that no human being gave him this mission. He says, sure, I did meet with Peter for 15 days and also met James, but no one else knew who I was. “All they knew was that people were saying, “The one [Paul] who used to persecute us is now preaching the very faith he tried to destroy!” And they praised God because of me [Paul] (verses 23-24).”
Whose approval are you waiting for? Who are you trusting to open the door for your next opportunity? I think God creates each one of us with a special purpose and dream in our hearts. This purpose and dream is shaped by our circumstances and opportunities but is stamped out or changed when other people get in the way. Of course, it is important to get the necessary training and take the best advice you can receive, but if you are building your purpose and dream on your training and the best advice, you will struggle to fulfill your true calling. God has created you for so much more. Don’t let any person hold you down.
When you do what God has created you to do, others will see and praise God because of it. They will see the steps of faith that you are taking to follow Jesus. They will see the fearless living that is motivated by a selfless love for others. They will see that you have been truly called and sent by God to fulfill his assignment – wherever that may be.
Questions to Think About
What has God created you to do?
What people and advice have shaped this answer?
Are you obeying God by faith or looking to people to be your guide and motivation?