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Writer's pictureKevin Greene

People Saved Because of YOUR Faith

Scripture: Matthew 9:1-8

Sometimes in churches pastors have everyone close their eyes and bow their heads before the gospel message is given and people are given a chance to respond. Yes, your faith must be your own. You must personally put your faith in Jesus Christ to become a Christian. You must personally choose to be a follower of Jesus. However, it is important not to forget the community aspect of what it means to be a Christian. God has created every person with the need and desire for community. Community is incredibly important to leading some to faith in Jesus and after someone puts their faith in Jesus.

In Matthew 9:1-8, it is recorded that Jesus forgave a man because of the faith of his friends. This man was paralyzed. Thankfully, God had placed some friends in this man’s life that cared very much about him. These friends got a hold of Jesus and brought him to his friend.

Not only did Jesus forgive this man, he also healed this man. Jesus said to him “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!” Jesus did this because the religious leaders could not believe Jesus was “forgiving sins.” That was something only God could do! But Jesus challenged them to think that if he could physically heal a man, he could probably heal him spiritually as well.

Questions to Think About:

  1. Who are some friends in your life that you need to bring Jesus to them today?

  2. Who are some friends in your life that brought Jesus to you?

  3. Out of all the people who were paralyzed, why do you think Jesus chose to heal this man and possibly not the others?

Your faith can bring salvation and healing to many people. Yes, they will have to receive the free gift of salvation and forgiveness, but your faith can be the channel of that gift.

How is your faith?

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