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Writer's pictureKevin Greene

3 Ways Waiting Can Help You Succeed

We are so ready to get on to the next thing. The next job. The next relationship. The next step God has for us. But we have to learn how to do “now” well in order to get to “next.” Sometimes the best way to set yourself up for success is to spend a little more time purposefully waiting in a less than ideal situation.

What are you waiting for? Camp before crossing. The promise land awaits.


Here’s a list of three things that might help you wait well and succeed like never before. We are often so fast to get to where we want to go that we miss what we God wants to do right now. Here are three ways to help you wait well:

1. Develop Confidence

Before you step out and do the new thing it is helpful to step out with confidence. I’m not really talking about “faking it until you make it,” although sometimes confidence that comes from not knowing all the answers is actually helpful, I’m talking about developing confidence from your experiences today so you are actually prepared for what is next.

As the nation of Israel was prepared to enter into the promise Land they came to the Jordan River where they were 40 years before. The first time, it didn’t go so well. Only 2 out of the 12 spies thought they could go into the new land. So, they didn’t go. What happened next was that God used the next 40 years to develop a faith and a trust, a confidence, in God and in his promises. See, entering the promised land was never about Israel’s ability. It was all about God’s promise. God’s people needed to wait so that they could be developed to walk into what God had promised.

God told Joshua the same promise he gave to Moses (apparently He thought the promise was good enough, it’s just he people’s ability to walk into it that needed help). God said, “I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you.” (Joshua 1:3 NLT).

As you camp and wait for what you want next, are you developing the confidence in God’s promises that you need to succeed? What if you approached your next situation knowing that wherever you went God has already given you success there and will bless you? Sure, it might look a little different than we were expecting. But I believe that wherever we go God will be there and we can have confidence knowing that his grace, his forgiveness, his love, his discipline, will be there with us each step of the way.

2. Remember the Past

So often our visions of success in the future aren’t big enough. What if God really showed up in miraculous ways that you didn’t understand and you couldn’t control? Often our view of God and what He can do in our lives is too small.

That being said, we need people in our lives to speak faith into our situations. We need people outside of our situations to be able to help us see the miracle. Sometimes we are just too close to see it all.

In the case of the Israelite spies, they had faith spoken into them from an unlikely person. This person was Rahab the Prostitute. Rahab tells the spies that everyone in her city knows that the Israelites are going to succeed in their conquest. I wonder if the spies really believed that? But to hear her say that. That injects a lot of faith that we need.

Rahab also went on to tell the spies why she and her city believed this. She told them:

10 For we have heard how the Lord made a dry path for you through the Red Sea when you left Egypt. And we know what you did to Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River, whose people you completely destroyed.  11 No wonder our hearts have melted in fear! No one has the courage to fight after hearing such things. For the Lord your God is the supreme God of the heavens above and the earth below (Joshua 2:10-11 NLT).

Sometimes we need to look back from where we are and realize how far we’ve come. We so want what’s next and feel unqualified for what is next. But we need a little faith injected into us. Sometimes, the best place for this to come is from someone outside of your situation. And sometimes we need to strengthen ourselves in the faith and do a little remembering ourselves. Make a list of 3 things right now that God has done in your life and remember that God has been with you and He is ready to do it again. Camp in these memories.

3. Anticipate the Future

All this talk of camping might make you want to stay there. I know a lot of people who love to spend the weekends outdoors and take their campsite to different locations. Some people might event want to travel the country camping from place to place. But eventually, most campers need to return home. They can’t camp forever.

In the story of Israel crossing the Jordan River and entering the promised land we are told they got to the river where they camped before crossing. Then three days later they were ready to move. Three days! Imagine sitting at a stop light with a green light and waiting three days to cross the intersection. Where you want to go is right in front of you but they chose to wait. But at the same time they didn’t get stuck in their waiting. Those three days were full of purposeful preparation.

Then, because they waited well, they were ready to see God do great wonders among them. (Joshua 3:2). They anticipated what God was going to do. Then they actively went after it. They followed God (literally in the Ark of the Covenant) and crossed into the promised land where they had never been before.

After you’ve waited well you must perform. Preparation is no good if its not used in action. There can sometimes be a lot of talk and no action. Here, Israel conquered Jericho and moved into the promised land. They did it. And God was with them, leading them, each step of the way.

So, no matter where you want to go you can wait right where you are well. Learn everything you can and develop your faith and trust in God. Then, when it’s time to move, move. Move with confidence knowing God is with you and get ready to see God do amazing wonders among you.

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